Our Care Under Covid

COVID-19 Updated Guidance for families and visitors:

There continues to be times when mask wearing is required for visitors to our facilities, and this may change depending on what is happening in the community and/or in the facility. 

  1. The CDC publishes Community Transmission Levels daily on their website. This is different than the COVID-19 Community Levels.  The Transmission Level may be High (red), Substantial (Orange), Moderate (yellow), or Low (blue).  When the Community Transmission Level is High, the visitors, residents, and staff need to wear a mask when in the facility.  All people should try to keep a 6-foot distance from others whenever possible.  Our facility checks this level every Wednesday and may modify requirements based on this level.
  2. When there is at least one staff or resident with COVID-19, the facility is considered to be having an Outbreak.  When an outbreak is occurring visitors, residents, and staff need to wear a mask when in the facility.  All people should try to keep a 6-foot distance from others whenever possible.
  3. When the community transmission rate is not High and the facility is not having an outbreak then visitors, residents and staff may wear a mask at their own discretion but are not required to.

The facility will post a sign on the door to the facility as to which situation 1-3 above is occurring, the sign will indicate if you need to wear a mask and other safety measures.  If you are wearing a mask, once you arrive at the area you will be visiting the resident, if there are no other residents or staff around, you may remove your mask and then put it back on prior to leaving that area.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days, you have symptoms of COVID-19 or you suspect you have COVID-19, you should postpone your visit until you are better.  If you have tested positive for COVID-19, you should not come into the facility for at least 10 days.  The physician’s office may tell you 5 days, but the requirement for our type of facility is 10 days because of the vulnerable population we serve.  If you have an urgent visit and you currently have COVID 19 or Symptoms of COVID-19, please call the facility and every effort will be made to assist you to have the visit safely, without the risk of exposing other staff and residents.

If you have an exposure to someone with COVID-19 and do not have symptoms, you may visit as long as you wear a mask during the entire visit and you maintain a 6-foot distance from others.  It is recommended that both you and the resident wear a mask even if you are visiting in an area without other staff or residents.  If you are unable to wear a mask, then you should postpone your visit until 10 days after your exposure.  If your visit is urgent and you are unable to wear a mask, please contact the facility and every effort will be made to assist you to have the visit safely, without the risk of exposing other staff and residents.




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